Sunday, March 8, 2009

My trip to Acap's home........Day 1 !!!

Hahahahahaha.This is fun,so i decided to write it in blog.

On thursday,I asked him whether he will go back or not.
"Tak da.Bila balik?"
"Yang lain balik tak?"

And haha,surprisingly,he asked me whether I want to follow him home or not. I cant hide my excitement when he did.I was so happy that I kept laughing that whole day when i saw him.haha.I didn't expect that.

However i didnt agree immediately,well,most probably because i had never been to my friend's home alone (normally we go in groups).Neither had i stayed in a malay home before.So,i need some time to figure out what shouldn't i do when in a malay home or what should i do.

I had never been to Sepang,KTT,Inti Nilai and his home.So,this is indeed a great chance for me to visit his family.And i decided to be there.haha.So.packing all my things on friday,i waited for him to be back (he went for a movie with his friend).

At around 6,we were ready and so we headed to the bus stop. Then,at around 8,we arrived at the Kl central station.I had been there a few times before but i don't even know that it is such a huge building once we go up the stairs.haha.After we bought the commuter tickets, we headed to our destination.It took about an hour for us to reach Sepang.His dad picked us up.

Along the way,well,it is dark and there was no much vehicles.I wondered what will happen to me if he stop the car and throw me out of his car.I was so sure that i will be lost and died of starvation there.haha.I know...i think too much.Anyway,the road are quite difficult for me to identify.They looked the same but i know they are not.

Finally,we reached his home-a double-storey house with electronic lock.The living room is neatly decorated,as expected.We put our things in his room which is on the second floor meanwhile her elder sister prepared some food for us. Then,I found a reader digest there!!YEAH!!!hahaha.My favourite magazine.Sitting on his bed,I started to browse through the magazine.

Before long,his sis asked us to go down for supper or dinner.haha.It was spagetti with orange juice. Wow.Definitely sumptuous.haha.May be it is just food to others but it was a special meal for me.( Yaya,i know i am pathetic but i don't have many chances to eat spagetti--i dunno how to make it *.*)

After washing the dishes (it's just my plate and forks^.^),I went back to his room and continued my digestion.Both the food and the magazine.haha.While he joined his family for movies outside the room. A few minutes later,he entered the room with a plate on his left hand and a packet on the other hand.

"Low,kamu mesti suka ni.haha."
"Apa tu?"I thought it must be Twisties or Mr. Potatoes.haha.

It turned out to be chestnuts and another kind of nuts (dunno wat it is called-.-).I was so touched!!!( although it was not Twisties nor Mr. Potatoes.But he brought snacks fo me!!!!hohohohohohoho )So happy!but he refused to eat together with me when asked because he doesn't really like the food.I had never eaten chestnuts before although he told me that chinese love it.And i think i was so stupid to ask this.

"Ini......macam mana makan?"
"Tak pernah makan ke?Cina kan suka."
".............Kakak saya suka makan.tapi i tak pernah makan.hahaha."I tried to cover up myself by laughing.It was such a shame for me to ask such a stupid question,thinking that there is a special way to crack the nuts.No,there is no.You just crack it like that.Haha.

"Makan tak?Kalau tak nak makan letak sajalah kat mana-mana."

Then,he walked out of the room.I must had disappointed him.haha.Haiz...he still doesn't know me very well.Did you ever see me wasting food?NEVER.haha.So,of course,i finished it.It is actually quite nice.Not too hard,yet not too soft.Just one bite,and i like it.YES,another new experience!

So i ate and read until it was around 12.45am.I decided to call it a day.I took out my toothbrush and applied some toothpaste on it.When I wanted to enter the bathroom,I couldnt open the door. So i went down to the kitchen,taking the plate and the nut shells in it with me.Just then,I saw him sleeping in front of the Tv and his mum was there.He...actually let me slept on his bed while he himself slept outside of the room.Somewhere deep in my heart,I whispered the most sincere "Thank you".Honestly,I feel sorry about it...

After I washed the plate,I brushed my teeth and returned to the room,only to find out that the door of the bathroom was slightly ajar.And so...the truth is it wasnt locked but i tried to open it the other way which can actually earn me the title of "Stupid Boy".I laughed to myself before I fell asleep.

1 comment:

  1. sepang tu penuh ngan hutan jer. kalau diorang suruh you keluar sah-sah you kene baham ngan harimau. sorry ye acap.....hahahahahha......
