Saturday, March 14, 2009

Day 3......

Just to complete the trilogy,i will continue my journey there. haha. although today,well,is already 14 of March....

Ok,that day,I woke up a little bit later than yesterday...let me see..i think around 8.30am or 9.00am.Fortunately,he was still sleeping.haha. After taking my bath,well,I saw him sleeping on the bed just as I walked out from the bathroom. Soon,his sister asked us to join them for breakfast. And the breakfast on that day was............

Pulut with sambal ikan bilis and pancake!Milo,of course.

hoho.whole new experience.His mum asked me whether I had eaten that before,I just shaked my head.But I think I had eaten before...hmm...can't remember clearly.

Then,I went up to his room and only then I remembered I hadn't studied for quite a long time already. So,I took out the book and planned to study.Fu-yo..haha.I can't concentrate.haha.

It was then he asked me:
"Nak pergi sekarang ke?"

Two days before we came here I had asked him whether we could go to KTT during the visit and he said ok. So,now he kept his promise and borrowed a car from his brother in law to send me there. I was so touched.haha.And his sister asked him to wash the car for them after using the car,well, I was sure I'll join him if we needed to do so.

Then, we set off..haha.Hmm...This was the first time I actually sat in the car driven by him. Quite fast but I wasn't worry as the road was quite wide and there were just a few other vehicles on the road.And I think within 10 minutes,we arrived KTT.

I get out of the car and called my friend. I asked him to meet his friends too but he refused.Then,when my friend came down (Her name is Joanne,taking medicine also.), we went to ask him to join us again and he refused. He said his friend was sick so don't wanna disturb her.

Then,Joanne (J) showed me around their college,Hmm...It isn't too bad.The college itself is much more better than MSU and the students there are really hardworking and competitive. They are friendly too. I even entered her room just to have a look.haha.

Meanwhile he went to top up his handphone credits,then J asked me to go to Inti to meet the others.I thought she got transport but she didn't have.And I was so worried when I sms him to ask him whether he can send us there or not.I owed him so much.

As expected,he came back within minutes and sent us there.Oh god,J can't find her wallet and we sat in the car waiting for her. Luckily,he was patient.

And when we reached Inti,OMG,noone was there.J,somehow did communicate with them before we came, but they seemed to be misunderstand each other.Again,he waited for us there,wasting his time.I don't know what to say except "sorry".

Luckily,J talked a lot with him. At least,he won't feel lonely.I wish I can talk to him more often....but whenever,I wanna tell him something,I swallowed back the words. haiz....The witch stole the princess' beautiful voice but lack of confidence kill my words.hmm...Just hope we got something to talk together and he will laugh with me the same way he laugh with the other,like Hadi.

After we sent J back,we went home and it was lunch time.We had some tomyam from the Sunita restaurant,two bowls of vegetables and ..............chicken ,I guesse.( should have filled the blog that day,now just can try my best to recall.)

Then,that day,we just spent our time watching movies and...may be reading reader digest. Then,our dinner was French fries and ....what should I call should I describe was actually the flour add water add ikan bilis add some beans or corns and then fried it.Quite tasty.

At night,around 9 or 10,his brother in law fetched us back to Mais.Before we left,I made sure I tidy the room up a bit and also thanked everyone profusely.haha..

It was indeed a very memorable trip that i will cherish.That's why i put it i can remember it whenever i online.

Lastly,I really want to thanks acap.



Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 2 !!!

I woke up at around 8.

Having nothing to do,I actually observed the room.haha.It is a small but comfortable room with green-yellow-white striped wallpapers and a fan and a square clock on the wall.There is a huge green cupboard designed with a table in a corner where his sisters put their beautiful clothes and a desktop is placed on the table.Next to the table is a rack where he put his printer, guitar and some magazines.That is where i found the Reader Digest.haha.

Without buggering around,I went to take my bath.This time I knew how to open the door.hehe. When I was done,I saw him outside of the room,sleeping.I guess.So I continued with my reading. The story of "The seeker" touched me.The main character known as Conor trekked into the Himalayas to find the families of 24 " lost children".

Then,I heard his mum calling us for breakfast.He entered the room with a smile on his face,a smile that was really infectious,a smile that made me smile.haha.

"Jom breakfast."

We went to the dining room.Wow,guess what?Our breakfast was homemade pancake and spagetti with hot milo.haha.I had never eaten homemade pancake before.YES,another new experience.(Stop laughing,I know it is funny to some of you.)I ate two of it.His mum and dad is very nice.They kept asking me to eat more.Same with his sisters.haha.

"Makan,Low.Jangan malu.Nanti lapar."

After breakfast,he surfed the net and played with his guitar while i just continued with the touching story.He asked me something.

"Low,semalam u buat apa?"
"Saya tengok Reader Digest."
"Ada orang tengok reader digest ke?"
"......????...." I don't understand.Why? Noone read reader digest?
"Bacalah..mana ada orang tengok?"

BOOM!!!!I was attacked.haha.He then told me to watch Tv if I was boring.I was not.haha.After a while,he fell asleep on the bed.It made me feel even more guilty to "steal" his bed.He must had a bad sleep yesterday.

After a while or may be longer,I heard his mum calling us to be down there for lunch.He woke up and asked me.

"Low,u lapar tak?Kalau lapar turun makan."
"Tak pa la.Saya tunggu kamu."

He fell asleep.A few seconds later,his mum called for us again.He replied...."ya......" softly and weakly.

"Kalau saya tak turun kamu berani turun dan makan tak?"
Well,obviously,NO!!!But i don't dare to say it.I just shaked my head lightly.
Then,he closed his eyes.I feel guitly again.So pity.Must be very tired.

Then,his sister came up to wake him up.I thought she was the one I saw the day before.Nope.She is Kak Ngah.The first day I saw Kak Long and Kak...wat should i said for the third sister?*0*He woke up but I don't dare to look into his eyes.I afraid that he will hate me...for his bed.Although I know he is not that kind of person.haha.Then,we went downstairs.

For the first time,I ate with his family and his brother-in-law.We ate rice with seafood cooked on a pot.....???....I don't actually know how to describe it....They put the seafood on a cooking utensil connected to electricity where the seafood are heated and cooked.The large size of the prawns caught my attention.Really big!!We ate the seafood together with some chilli saurce.I remembered how his dad started a conversation with me.

"Low biasa makan dengan tangan?"

And his mum kept asking him to add some rice and take some seafood to me.His sister said he is not really good at treating friend.But I think he had given me a lot as a friend.So i just smiled and again whispered a "thankyou" silently.I am grateful to them for preparing the food and allowing me to join them.

After that,he slept.And when the sky was getting darker and darker,I couldn't continue my reading as I can't see the words on the pages.And i don't dare to turn on his laptop to online.So..i just stood there for some stupid.

Then,I thought of Tv.I tried to change the channel from ASTRO RIA to AXN.Because I didn't understand the programme.Unfortunately,I didn't know how.I remembered it is something to do with 017.When i pressed 0 on the remote control.Guess wat?The whole Tv and white stripes appeared.I was shocked.I tried to go back to the ASTRO RIA but to no avail.It was out of control.ARRRR!!!!!I don't know what to do.HELP!!

Just then his sister opened the door.And she pressed a button on the remote control which causes everything back to normal.It was still ASTRO RIA but i don't dare to change anymore.Neither did i know what number is it.It was an hour later when i finally understand what's wrong.I took the remote control of the television.......not the ASTRO's............

At night,his dad bring us to SUNITA SEAFOOD.I was so excited.haha.although i didn't show it.Oh my god!The food is nice.Haha.really nice.Fried sotong,fried prawns,tomyam,and two large-sized fish (i dunno the names).Wow!!!!I was so lucky.Again I should thank them profusely.but too bad,we can't finish it..Some rice and vegetables were left there.I would not stop eating until i finished all the leftovers if I was not stopped by his sister who afraid that I will get a stomachache later. Hahaha...what a caring family they are.

Then,we slept...and that's my day 2.I would have take a lot of photos with them if my hp can do that.haha.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

My trip to Acap's home........Day 1 !!!

Hahahahahaha.This is fun,so i decided to write it in blog.

On thursday,I asked him whether he will go back or not.
"Tak da.Bila balik?"
"Yang lain balik tak?"

And haha,surprisingly,he asked me whether I want to follow him home or not. I cant hide my excitement when he did.I was so happy that I kept laughing that whole day when i saw him.haha.I didn't expect that.

However i didnt agree immediately,well,most probably because i had never been to my friend's home alone (normally we go in groups).Neither had i stayed in a malay home before.So,i need some time to figure out what shouldn't i do when in a malay home or what should i do.

I had never been to Sepang,KTT,Inti Nilai and his home.So,this is indeed a great chance for me to visit his family.And i decided to be there.haha.So.packing all my things on friday,i waited for him to be back (he went for a movie with his friend).

At around 6,we were ready and so we headed to the bus stop. Then,at around 8,we arrived at the Kl central station.I had been there a few times before but i don't even know that it is such a huge building once we go up the stairs.haha.After we bought the commuter tickets, we headed to our destination.It took about an hour for us to reach Sepang.His dad picked us up.

Along the way,well,it is dark and there was no much vehicles.I wondered what will happen to me if he stop the car and throw me out of his car.I was so sure that i will be lost and died of starvation there.haha.I know...i think too much.Anyway,the road are quite difficult for me to identify.They looked the same but i know they are not.

Finally,we reached his home-a double-storey house with electronic lock.The living room is neatly decorated,as expected.We put our things in his room which is on the second floor meanwhile her elder sister prepared some food for us. Then,I found a reader digest there!!YEAH!!!hahaha.My favourite magazine.Sitting on his bed,I started to browse through the magazine.

Before long,his sis asked us to go down for supper or dinner.haha.It was spagetti with orange juice. Wow.Definitely sumptuous.haha.May be it is just food to others but it was a special meal for me.( Yaya,i know i am pathetic but i don't have many chances to eat spagetti--i dunno how to make it *.*)

After washing the dishes (it's just my plate and forks^.^),I went back to his room and continued my digestion.Both the food and the magazine.haha.While he joined his family for movies outside the room. A few minutes later,he entered the room with a plate on his left hand and a packet on the other hand.

"Low,kamu mesti suka ni.haha."
"Apa tu?"I thought it must be Twisties or Mr. Potatoes.haha.

It turned out to be chestnuts and another kind of nuts (dunno wat it is called-.-).I was so touched!!!( although it was not Twisties nor Mr. Potatoes.But he brought snacks fo me!!!!hohohohohohoho )So happy!but he refused to eat together with me when asked because he doesn't really like the food.I had never eaten chestnuts before although he told me that chinese love it.And i think i was so stupid to ask this.

"Ini......macam mana makan?"
"Tak pernah makan ke?Cina kan suka."
".............Kakak saya suka makan.tapi i tak pernah makan.hahaha."I tried to cover up myself by laughing.It was such a shame for me to ask such a stupid question,thinking that there is a special way to crack the nuts.No,there is no.You just crack it like that.Haha.

"Makan tak?Kalau tak nak makan letak sajalah kat mana-mana."

Then,he walked out of the room.I must had disappointed him.haha.Haiz...he still doesn't know me very well.Did you ever see me wasting food?NEVER.haha.So,of course,i finished it.It is actually quite nice.Not too hard,yet not too soft.Just one bite,and i like it.YES,another new experience!

So i ate and read until it was around 12.45am.I decided to call it a day.I took out my toothbrush and applied some toothpaste on it.When I wanted to enter the bathroom,I couldnt open the door. So i went down to the kitchen,taking the plate and the nut shells in it with me.Just then,I saw him sleeping in front of the Tv and his mum was there.He...actually let me slept on his bed while he himself slept outside of the room.Somewhere deep in my heart,I whispered the most sincere "Thank you".Honestly,I feel sorry about it...

After I washed the plate,I brushed my teeth and returned to the room,only to find out that the door of the bathroom was slightly ajar.And so...the truth is it wasnt locked but i tried to open it the other way which can actually earn me the title of "Stupid Boy".I laughed to myself before I fell asleep.