Thursday, February 26, 2009

Not so fresh and alive here..haha..

I had been here for a few months. Well, this place is just as I expected. I mean the facilities and all that. But what i can't believe is that there is NOOOOOOOOOO internet here!!!!!!

I am not a very frequent internet user but...internet... Wow, a leading university?? Very funny. They can't even provide it. They say we can online in the library. Oh yes, we can. Only if the librarians turn on those few pc's for us ( the rest, according to the librarians, ROSAK!) and no one is using those pc's ( They always say it proudly...DAH PENUH! ). And so the students here need to go and register streamyx themselves,pay for themselves,online and creating blogs to express their feelings, mostly unsatisfied with the university. This is just a new record for me. My friends don't believe it........what can i tell them........?

The first few months were indeed the honeymoon months. We don't study, just hanging around and sleeping. Neither do I know what is A Level as some of our lecturers also don't know. Haha. Yet,some of them pretend that they are really good but when we ask them questions : Miss, why do we need to add this chemical to the specimen? She answered : What do you think? Check on the net. This is university. You need to do research on yourselves. Don't think you are still in secondary school.

Well, we remains speechless. We know that we are in a university (that can't even provide the wireless service ), but still we were not asking everything. We asked something that is in the syllabus and we are not sure of it, and so if you know, pls just answer it. For the detailed explanation, we can check on the net, using our own streamyx. That simple. In addition, A LEVEL is a Pre-U course. So, we need guidance ( if not, what are those lecturers for?). And not "check on the net."

For the other facilities and lecturers, I am ok with it. But there are people who really go and complain everything. Well, it's really stupid when this or these people get everyone involved. Well, that's your right but pls don't get us into trouble. After all, we just wanna study here. Not to help them to enlarge their bussiness. That's why i never complain anything to the university. I take things positively if possible and I just don't like those who like to complain everything. the sake of your future and ours, learn how to survive in this situation ( It's hard, so hard that I am still learning it till now. Yet we are able to survive till this very moment. ) Haha. I mean we can complain but just don't overdo it. Coz in the future, we might or will be the one who get complaints.....haiz....

So,....haha.....i just wanna wish all of us pass the As with flying colours and....we can reach our destination through an enjoyable journey.

To my very good room-mate, Acap, thanks for the internet. thanks a lot. thanks thanks. thanks.thanks...thanks and thanks..good luck in solving whatever problems you are facing and hope you will always be happy. ( you looked so scary when you are serious. :) )Haha.